Monday, February 28, 2011

Compadre Pedro Juan (Merengue)

Merengue is one of the standard Latin American dances that is popular in Central & South America and the Caribbean and is the national dance of the Dominican Republic. It is also said to have derived a little from Haiti's Mereng dance form. The story behind the evolution of this dance is that a war hero returned from the battle with an injured leg. At the victory feast, everyone danced by dragging one leg so that their hero was made to feel at ease and comfort. Thare are many types of merengue in the Dominican Republic itself but the most famous one which the practitioners know is the Merengue CibaeƱo from the El Cibao region.The ballroom merengue is a different genre altogether.

The original merengue is a fun dance that has a variety of rhythms i.e. it usually starts with a slow beat and picks up the tempo towards the end.The ballroom merengue is slower, evolved and has modified hip movements.
The music has 120 to 160 beats per minute with the count of 1-2-3-4, 1-2-3-4 like a march step-close-step-close.Merengue can be danced with a partner or in groups because of its simple nature.

The Cuban motion is used heavily to dance merengue i.e. the alternate bending and straightening of knees with the corresponding up and down action of the hip.Three distinctive steps in the dance are the 'paso dela empalizada' or the 'stick-fence step' where the couple steps at their side, 'merengue de salon' where the couple turns clockwise or opposite without separating and the 'merengue de figura' in which the individual takes a turn without leaving the hand of the partner.The Tambora and the Saxaphone are the two instruments that play a pivotal role is setting apart the Merengue music from the rest.

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