Monday, February 28, 2011

Sail it with the samba!

Samba is a highly energetic and joyful form of dance with Brazilian origins since the 19th century. It is derived from a dance form called the Maxixe.It is performed during festive times like the carnival in Brazil and is very lively.The popular forms of the Brazilian Samba are Samba no pe, Samba de Gafieira, Samba Pagode, Samba AxĂ©, Samba Reggae, Samba-rock and Samba de roda.The Ballroom Samba(Latin- american form) that developed in 1930, is completely different from the Brazilian Samba, which in turn, is a set of various local dance forms like Boto Fogo, Natural Rolls, Bahia, Carioca, Choro, etc. All the above types except the Ballroom Samba(couple dance) could be danced by the Sambista alone or with a partner but the basic step of Samba remains as 2/4 with three steps per beat. 

The 'Samba Bounce Action' is the main step that gives this dance a unique feel.Other steps include the Voltas, Bota Fogos, Kick Change, Samba Side Steps, Samba Strut, etc.The musical instruments used for composing the samba music are the traditional from Brazil called the tamborim, chocalho, reco-reco and cabaca. 
Samba became popular in the U.K. in 1934 by the movie, 'Flying down to Rio'and in the U.S. by 1938 because of the movie 'That night in Rio'.

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